Tuesday 13 September 2016

Lobo Batangas Adventure

Good day readers,

      Haven't been posting lately due to a very busy work schedule. But never the less here I am, I was able to make out of the most  this long weekend. I managed to have a quick getaway to LOBO Batangas,

    This is actually my second time here. The first one was last year with the same group of friends, we weren't able to explore the town due to unpleasant weathers. Fortunately this time the weather was on our side.

DLTBCo. to Batangas port, from Batangas port you can ride the jeepney to the Lobo route terminal travel time takes around 3 hours all in all to reach this untouched beauty.

There are a few resorts here in lobo so I suggest you do research these. Resort services can pick you up or you can ride the tricycle for 100 pesos.

On to our first Destination.

Ulupong Falls Brgy. Sawang

This hidden Gem can be reached riding the tricycle to Brgy Sawang. After that you'll have to trek for about an hour. I will not recommend bringing the kids because the path is not safe for them. the easiest way to get there from Brgy Sawang is to follow the River.

After the hour long walk and a couple of bruises we reached this 10 foot fall and all of our stress from the trek just disappeared. luckily it was just our group so we had the place for ourselves. the Basin is around 5.5 to 6 feet deep. it gives you enough room to be able to jump from the top, And it was Amazing!!!!!!!! bringing packed lunch is highly recommended.

Our next Destination of the day was the Malabrigo Lighthouse.
     This is the most Iconic Landmark in Lobo as it can be seen from Mindoro Island and most boats from Manila pass by this historic landmark

Below the Licghthouse

Going to the lighthouse has a 20 peso fee, you can take pictures and you can go down at the beach.
going down has a fifty step staircase (no problem!) Going back up though! these steps are 1 foot high and if you're not outrageously fit you'll gasp your breathe halfway up.

On to our third Adventure for the Day!!!

Mangrove Forest Brgy. OLO-OLO.

This mangrove forest actually has a trail, you can also rent boats so you can roam around the mangrove. the only thing I would suggest the Local government or in charge of the maintenance is to make the trail circular. it was kind of frustrating when reach the end of the trail. you'll have to go back the same way from the entrance.

After this looong walk! we had no energy left, went to bed and sum up energy for tomorrows activity.

The Next day our plan was to stay at the beach the whole day.

We were excited to see the famous submarine garden... and it didn't disappoint us!!!

As you can see the water is very clear the beach is very clean and practically untouched. that's the beauty of Lobo the Locals take care of their place knowing these waters provide them food.

We will definitely come back soon.